Friday, December 16, 2011

How much is a new smart car?

I'm looking to buy a smart car, how much are they?||||||A smart car is not very "smart". I'm not sure how much they cost, but it can't be cheap enough for any sensible person to buy. Those cars might save you money, but they are so so so dangerous to drive. You can get in a minor accident and lose you life. There is not much metal to protect you. If you happen to get in a major accident, there is virtually no chance you'll survive. I'm not saying to go out and get a big truck or SUV, as you're obviously into gas saving economical cars. If I were you, I'd look at cars like the Civic, Corolla, or even Accent. All these cars are great on gas and a lot safer than the Smart Car. Plus you'll have more passenger and cargo space. Please reconsider you choice, I'm only trying to look out for your safety and life.|||Don't waste your money on this plastic toy. It rides harsh, has very uncomfortable seats, very loud at high speeds, unstable, noticeable transmission shifts, uses premium fuel, and gets only 32mpg.

For $14,000 you can get a much better car such as Ford Focus, Honda Fit, or Toyota Yaris.|||small cars ta ta Nano or a smart car where only two people can fit maybe four with a lot of effort usually cost around 10 to 15 thousand dollars|||14000 brand new

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