Friday, December 16, 2011

Question about your paddle shifting Smart Car?

When you press the paddle shifters on your Smart Car on its steering wheel, does it change it to Manual mode?

Even If I leave it in automatic mode. if I accidentaly bump those shifters it changes it to Manual mode immediatly.

to change it back to Automatic I have to pull the shift knob over to Manual Mode and then push it back to Automatic mode...

is this something with a particular year of the Smart Car?

is this normal for all smart cars?

should I call the mechanic?|||In original unupgraded 08' models one would have to move the shift knob over to manual and back to auto.

If you had your car flashed to 2.0 your transmission has had its shifting pattern upgraded to allow faster, more economical shifting. The 2.0 upgrade also allows you to go into manual mode just by slapping the shifter or paddles. If you bought a used smart or an 08' this year then the USB 2.0 tranny upgrade has already been done

09's had this function pre-installed and it is completely normal for the smart to do this. Also if you had not noticed, in manual mode you can get to 60 in less than 12.8 seconds.

check out my sources!|||This is a feature of the recent software update version 2.0

The original software acted differently,the paddles were inactive until the shifter was placed into manual mode.The version 2.0 is supposed to change the shift points to a more economical pattern and allow immediate mode change to manual by simply pressing a paddle.

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