Some people paid big bucks to import SMARTS from Germany to the US and bring the SMARTS up to US safety standards. A professor from UMD imported 2 SMARTS and spent tons of money in the process. The US version of the SMART will satisfy all US safety and emissions requirements - just be patient....|||Thank you very much and enjoy your wait. :)
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|||Not yet. Probably in another 1 - 2 years you shold be able to. Mercedes hasn't federalized the Smart yet, but are palnning to offer them in the US, probably in 2008 sometime.|||2 points. Lol, seriously though, they aren't available yet, you'll need to wait a few years yet (1 or 2). A company called BlueWire technologies in Sioux Falls, SD has one though, and me and my family are wondering how the hell they managed to get one. (connections anyone?)
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