Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Smart car???

why are people on ebay trying to sell the smart car on ebay for 25,000 dollars but on the website it says they only cost 12,000|||wait about 6 months. They will go on sale at either Benz or Chrysler dealers. I don't know who gets the "Smart" Division although I think it will be MB as an "A" class. The car itself exists for use in heavily congested cities (European) that have very narrow, congested streets with no parking. Milage is not it's forte. It's perfect for maneuverability and parking in the spot thats "just too small" I wouldn't want to take it much above 40 mph and not even think about interstate travel . When you are out weighed and outclassed by a Prisus, you know where you will find the Smart Car. Only down down driving in Eastern Cities makes any sence. Other than that, buy a Mini!|||Consumer Reports, reported that the SMART car was the worst car they have ever seen, in terms of quality, and the gas mileage which is only a bit better than many other sub compact cars on the market, the smart car is not a good buy per Consumer Reports.|||mark up .... they do it to all cars that are limited in availability|||Ford Escape Hybrid ....... totally worth your money because you save so much money on gas..... best mileage ever.

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