Friday, December 16, 2011

How many miles can i smart car drive for before it is knackered!?

AM thinking of buying a smart car but the one i am looking at has done 47.000 miles!|||Depends how old it is.

47000 in a car a year old is a lot but if its 3 or 4 years old (and the price is right) then should be ok.

Bear in mind you will only be able to drive about 100 yards before you look rather silly though.|||depends on how you take care of it. good regular servicing using makers recomended parts, the mileage should be almost unlimited.|||I'd recommend you look at condition rather than mileage, get someone who understands cars to check it out for you. Having said that, it's quite a lot of miles for a tiny engine.|||A good mechanic can use the same car for as long as spare parts are available (a 100 years maybe !)

Because a smart car is small makes no difference whatsoever .

A properly serviced and maintained combustion engine will continue to run indefinitely .

Consumables such as brakes etc will invariably last longer on a smaller car due to the lower stresses they must deal with .

The body work is plastic so rust is not an issue .

If the car has a full service history and you continue to maintain it as the manufacturer intended

I estimate you should get about 15 years use out of it before the annoying little issues such as dried up window seals and worn ignition and locks start to make you wonder if the cost of maintenance is worth it .|||47,000 miles is not a lot.

The smart is engineered by Mercedes-Benz, so should be good for well over 100,000 miles (maybe even 200,000) if regularly serviced.|||I'm amazed you have done so many miles!!, you must play on a huge golf course...|||I expect it will no different to any other make of car - depends how it has been driven and its age.|||Is it a diesel turbo or gas engine?|||11 miles is the record

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