Friday, December 16, 2011

Can you fit a cello inside a Smart Car?

I am a cello player and am also really interested in the Smart Fortwo. I travel with my cello often, and was wondering if it would, inside its hard case, fit in a smart car? This is a really big selling point for me when it comes to buying a car, as playing the cello is really important to me. Any reasonable answers will be appreciated!|||Yes, if you get the convertible.|||the reasonably smart (no pun intended) answer here is to take the cello with u to the dealer and see if it and you fit inside before u buy the car. the salesman will accomodate your request.

good luck and GOD bless.


  1. Hi Jason,

    Did you manage to fit a Cello in a Smart?
    I intend to buy a smart but I need to know your opinion.
    Iam the father of a cello player 2/4.

    Thank you

  2. Cello will only fit as a passenger, and with the seat all the way back. Won't fit in the back...I brought my soft case with me, a "best-case scenario."
