Friday, December 16, 2011

When you come up behind a Smart car on the freeway, do you get the urge to step on it and plow into it?

I sure do, I see some tool in a Smart car waddling along on the freeway I just want to floor it, smack into the back of that piece of garbage and give that deathtrap for two a big boost with my V8 powered car.|||You and me both. 4x4 Chevy power! Watch their faces as they disappear underneath me!|||hahaha, that's pretty funny... but I must admit that I would actually drive one of those cars.|||absolutely though unfortunately I ride my motorcycle all the time and I know that the stats arent in my favor if I did|||Lol,no way! I'm always like "How cuutee!" when I see one of those two-seat Smarts.|||Shame on me. I wouldn't recognize a "smart car" if I ran it over. Always thought the depth of intelligence came from the driver. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong.

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